0900 (19060 km) Breakfast of cereal. Left Ceduna.
0915 (19061 km) Filled up.At Murphy's Hay Stacks |
1100 (19218 km) Murphy's Hay Stacks. These are Inselbergs. They are granite that has been weathered and formed into interesting shapes in the middle of the paddock. Apparently the name of Murphy's Hay Stacks was from an Irish agricultural expert who saw this landmark in the distance whilst travelling on a coach. Apparently the learned Irish gentleman was very impressed and informed his fellow passengers that the farmer must have harrowed his land to produce such a great abundance of hay! Well, by now you must have guessed it! The original farmer of the land was a Mr. Murphy and to this day the landmark is known as Murphy's Hay Stacks.
1200 (19258 km) Filled up.
"Ahhh! Don't feed me to the shark, I promise I'll be good" |
1215 (19258 km) Streaky Bay. Visited gallery with the replica life size replica of the world's largest white pointer shark caught on a rod and reel. The 1520 kg shark was caught in April 1990 by a young local fisherman after a 5.25 hour struggle. The mature female shark was estimated to be 16 to 18 years old. Had lunch of hot dogs.
Squidding at Pt Lowly |
1400 (19405 km) Wudinna. CK had a look at the Australian Farmer's granite sculpture. It looked quite modern. Everyone else was asleep in the car!
1500 (19506 km) Kimba. Saw the Giant Galah and all the tourists taking photos! So we joined them in taking photos. HM was still half asleep.
1700 (19683 km) Point Lowly Rest Area. Quite a nice rest area, right next to a small marina. Flushing toilets were also close by. Went squidding. Suddenly a seal jumped out of the water. We got a fright and thought we better reel in our squid jigs in case it gets caught by the seal. Had dinner of tau yew bak.
Pt Lowly Lighthouse at dusk |