Thu 22 Sep 2011 Ceduna

At the jetty again, with the crab net
1000 (18934 km) Had pancakes for breakfast. It was very windy. Put in additional pegs just in case.
1015 (18934 km) Filled up. Ceduna Visitor Centre. Drove around the scenic drive to Thevenard. Stopped at lookout at Pinky Point. From the platform we saw seals in the water. One seal was swimming to another that was perched on a rock. It climbed up and they kissed! From the platform, we could also see the huge salt piles. There was a tractor that was going up and down the salt piles. Drove further along and had a quick look at the fish processors. Nothing was happening so we drove on to Shelley Beach. Nothing spectacular so we went shopping.
1300 (18959 km) Lunch of Indomie.
1415 (18963 km) Ceduna Bureau of Meteorology weather station. He gave us a brief explanation about how all the weather stations around Australia send up the weather balloons at about the same time. The balloons are tracked by radar to make calculations about what the weather is like in the atmosphere. The balloons are filled with hydrogen because it is cheaper. Went to buy some oysters at the Oyster Bar.
1500 (18969 km) Fishing. It was still very windy, not good for fishing. Only caught crabs and small fish. Took back 4 blue swimmer crabs and another crab. Threw everything else back.

Blue Swimmer

Other crab

1700 (18969 km) Had Herring Mornay for dinner. The herrings were the ones we had caught the day before. Also had oysters - mixed reactions from the kids.

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