Sun 4 Sep 2011 Kalbarri to Cliff Head North Rest Area

0845 (14506 km) Happy Father's Day! We had pancakes for breakfast.There was supposed to be a daily pelican feeding session in Kalbarri. However, there was a pinned notice that said pelicans were on holiday at Lake Eyre. We waited for a while and sure enough, there were no pelicans. Oh well.
0930 (14506 km) Left Murchison Caravan Park.
0945 (14507 km) Kalbarri marina. Fishing again and some crabbing too. However, there were no bites so we packed up and left.
1050 (14507 km) Visited the National Park Headquarters but the Ranger was out and there was no one there.
1110 (14511) Filled up. Drove to Kalbarri National Park. First stop was Red Bluff. From the vantage point, we saw a whale not far from the beach! It was just frolicking in the water. Next stop (200m away)was mushroom rock. Yes, it was no mistaking that it was mushroom rock. It looked just like a mushroom. A short drive further and we came to Rainbow Valley. The rocks had amazing colours and there were vertical pipe rocks which were supposedly fossils of a type of worm from a long time ago. We could not take the camper trailer to Pot Alley so we skipped it and went to Eagle Gorge instead. This area reminds us so much of the Great Ocean Rd except all the sites are so close together.

Natural Bridge

1330 (14533 km) Natural Bridge. Had ham and pastrami for lunch. Then walked to Castle Cove to look at Island Rock. From Natural Bridge lookout, we could see a bridge formed from the cliffs. In time, bridges like that will erode and will be left with islands of rock. Drove to the next area to look at Shellhouse and Grandstand. Grandstand really looked like a grandstand. It is incredible how mother nature creates these features in the cliffs.

1430 (14533 km) Left Kalbarri National Park.

Pink lady at Pink Lakes

1545 (14606 km) Pink Lakes. For best photos, we had to drive to Port Gregory. We got very close to the water and the lake was definitely pink.

1645 (14698 km) Geraldton. Filled up. Shops were closed, so no shopping. In Greenough, we saw the sideways trees. The prevailing constant southerly wind has blown many of the trees so that they are all leaning. There is an actual photo point with a landmark tree as seen in all the brochures and an explanation on why the trees around the area were leaning.
1815 (14806 km) Cliff Head North. A nice freestay camping spot. Had mens and ladies long drop toilets. We were about 20 metres from the Indian Ocean. Could have been closer but someone else had already taken that spot. Had meatballs on spaghetti for dinner.

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