Thu 18 Aug 2011 Broome

0900 (10907 km) Had raisin toast for breakfast.
1000 (10907 km) Left for a drive around. Went to the port. We saw huge chains, the links were the size of people. There was a rock with a hole on Riddell Beach so we went to take some photos. We came across a jelly fish stranded on the beach. Naturally the kids attacked it, as kids do. The tide was coming in and cut off our beach return, so we clambered over and under some rocks to get back to the car. Kept driving along and went to the beach to see the Pindan Cliffs. The burnt orange cliffs came down to white sands that led to the turquoise sea. That was quite a contrast and a great photo opportunity. The loop drive took us back to the town. Had a quick look at Town Beach and the water park. The water park was small in comparison to others we had been to before. So we went shopping instead and headed back to the caravan park.
1300 (10937 km) Filled up. Lunch of toasted sandwiches and caught up with some blogs and Chinese homework.

1630 (10944 km) Went for a drive on Cable Beach. There were over a hundred cars on the beach. Many people had quite a set up next to their cars - tables, umbrella, kids playing. Probably waiting for the sunset. Had a look at the camel rides. There were three groups - red, yellow and blue. The camels smelled bad and made funny noises. Wonder how they get all those camels onto the beach. Had dinner of rice and mince pork.

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