Mon 8 Aug 2011 Kununurra

0900 (9020 km) Breakfast of toast. Left.
0930 (9037 km) Went to Zebra Rock Gallery. The Zebra Rock was amazing. The stripes and patterns in the silt rock were very interesting. It is mined in a place nearby - there's only a few sites around there, and no where else in the world. Some of those sites have been 'flooded' during the recreation of Ord River Dam, so it is pretty rare.There was another similar type of rock called primordial rock that was lighter and had more colours. Bought a pack of small  Zebra Rocks. Another highlight was feeding the fish. The river was frothing with black catfish waiting to be fed. Then, showed the kids archer fish. Held some bread out over the railing and  within a few seconds a jet of water shot out from the water and hit the bread accurately. It is the archer fish spitting at the bread to get it to fall into the water so it can be eaten. Didn't see any crocodiles, apparently they turn up from time to time. There were also other animals there - talking cockatoo, peacock, etc.

Boab Tree
1045 (9037 km) Left. Stopped by a large boab tree with a hollow big enough to fit a person. Can just imagine people in the past finding places like this to stay in. Also had a look at the Diversion Dam. It was releasing an incredible amount of water. There was a huge difference in water level between one side of the dam and the other. At the Celebrity Tree Park, we saw the tree planted by Alison Lester, the author of the children's book "Are we there yet" that is the inspiration of this trip. Through some miraculous coincidence, we stumbled onto this tree out of all the trees scattered through the park.
1330 (9073 km) TFS Sandalwood factory.
1350 (9073 km) Left. Went shopping.
1420 (9091 km) Filled up.
1445 (9095 km) Back at the caravan park. Dinner of pasta.

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